Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer

1:58 AM

is unbecoming.


Title: The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer
Author: Michelle Hodkin
Genre: YA
Rating: 4.5/5

Book Blurb

I just finished reading it (the title is so freaking long btw) and I loved it. It was written almost flawless-ly. The characters are great, a very unique plot line and has an evil cliffie.

First of, I was kinda not sure about what I feel about it when I first started reading it, so I was like to continue or not to continue. Like it took me a day in between to not read it. Maybe I was not as hooked as I thought I will be because everyone is saying great things about it and also Noah Shaw is really perf.

So I started reading it on Friday and freaky stuff happened already I took a break. then completely went on with it during the weekend.

In the end, I was freaking out, totally confused but really in to the story now because the end is really close and then I get totally confused.

So, that's all I can say, still absorbing eveything (lol). Let's see what will happen next to end this madness.

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