More Booooooooks
11:04 PMThe urge on buying books is getting into my system rapidly. There's so many books so little time. And so little money. Wait that does not how it goes. It's so frustrating to go into a bookstore and only have a money enough to buy *cries* and so many beautiful books out there!
I think bookstagram community put a pressure on me! (Oh yes that's right I'm totes not impulsive, let's blame it on them beautiful bookstagram accounts!) There are tons of books in my to buy list. Mostly hardcovers of course. They just look so beautiful! On my hands, on my shelf--perfection. But you have to deal with the fate of them dust jackets. They will be ripped and crumpled no matter how careful you are. Well me.
I just want to get out of college and earn already and buy them all gorgeous books <3